Saturday, November 12, 2011

Foam pop-dots are delicious

How do you run out of red card stock? I mean really? 2 weeks prior to my first Christmas Bazar and I'm out of red card stock. Today while I was making these cards Gracie was watching. At least I thought she was watching...maybe doing quality control, I'm not sure. Then the reason became perfectly clear....foam adhesives must taste like chicken because twice today I had to remove about twenty of them from her face and paws. They must smell as good as chicken because regardless of where I put them she hunted them down.
I think I need a peppermint mocha before work.
Peace, love and foam pop dots.

1 comment:

  1. Awe.... Gracie is soooo cute!! Oh and great job on the cards! I love the bows you added!! :)
